Valor & Sacrifice Official Trailer
"Amidst an island-wide labor strike in 1930's Puerto Rico, a passionate politician must make the decision between solidifying his legacy as the first elected governor of the territory or staying true to his morals and cause."
VALOR & SACRIFICE is a short film in the beginning of a 2021-2022 festival run. Its first festival acceptance is the 2021 Seattle Latino Film Festival. More updates to come!
Written, Directed, and Edited by: Emilio Miguel Torres
David Jofre as Pedro Albizu Campos
Coral Tate as Laura Meneses
Scott Mullet as Col. E. Frances Riggs
Director of Photography: Troy Dobbertin
Composer: Josué Vera
Producer: Maggie Barry
Costume Designer: Brielle Hawkes
Post-Production Sound Mixer and Editor: Levi Hawkes
Produced for Alrick Brown's Intermediate Narrative Workshop Class at NYU Tisch School of the Arts (Spring 2021).
DISCLAIMER: Although based on true events, this is a work of fiction. References to historical moments, real people, or real places are used fictitiously.